Wod 02/01/24joao1 de jan. de 20241 min de leituraWOD WITH A PARTER 24:00 capFor time with a partner:800-m runthen…10 rounds of:10 squat cleans (135/95; 95/65; 75/45lb)30 double-unders/60 single-understhen…800-m runI go U goSCORE: TOTAL TIME
WOD WITH A PARTER 24:00 capFor time with a partner:800-m runthen…10 rounds of:10 squat cleans (135/95; 95/65; 75/45lb)30 double-unders/60 single-understhen…800-m runI go U goSCORE: TOTAL TIME
Wod 11/02/25*TERÇA:* *Força:* Front Squat *WOD: Badlands* *Freedom (RX'd)* 15/12/9 reps Hang Squat Clean (115/85) Burpee Box Get Over (60/50cm) Chest...
Wod 10/02/25*SEGUNDA:* *Técnica:* Handstand Push-Ups (HSPU) *WOD: Six Grandfathers* *Freedom (RX'd)* *8 Rodadas (cada)* *Atleta 1:* 200m Run (20/16...
Wod 07/02/25*"Open 15.1 and 15.2"* *Freedom (RX'd)* *Two Parts in 15 minutes* *(15.1) AMRAP in 9 minutes* 15 Toes-to-Bars 10 Deadlifts (115/85 lb) 5...