Wod 14/04/22joao14 de abr. de 20221 min de leituraEMOM 30 minutes, 6 sets for max reps and calsMin 1: Max cal row/bikeMin 2: Max tire flip Min 3: Max distance sled drag/sled prowler push/yoke carry 1 point every 1,5mMin 4: Max box overs w/ one Db 50/35lbsMin 5: rest
EMOM 30 minutes, 6 sets for max reps and calsMin 1: Max cal row/bikeMin 2: Max tire flip Min 3: Max distance sled drag/sled prowler push/yoke carry 1 point every 1,5mMin 4: Max box overs w/ one Db 50/35lbsMin 5: rest
Wod 24/01/25*SEXTA:* *Técnica & Força:* Hang Power Snatch + Snatch Balance *WOD: Open* *WOD: Gecko (Open 12.4)* *Freedom (RX'd)* *12:00 AMRAP* 150...
Wod 22/01/25*QUARTA:* *Técnica:* Força ou Condicionamento: Ring Muscle-Up & Dips *Força:* Power Snatch *Hoje os alunos escolhem fazer o wod...