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Wod 17/07/24


Every 2:00 for 5 sets, building in weight:

3 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks + 1 Shoulder to Overhead

*Complex should be completed unbroken*

*WORKOUT - CinnamonSugar*

*Freedom (RX’d)*

30m Wall Ball Lunge (20/14)

50 Hang Wall Ball Cleans (20/14)

30m Wall Ball Lunge (20/14) any way for the lunges. The cleans are hang squat cleans.

10 Wall Walks

30m Wall Ball Lunge (20/14)

50 Hang Wall Ball Cleans (20/14)

30m Wall Ball Lunge (20/14) The ball can be held (A bola pode ser segurada)

* WORKOUT - Option Teams of 2*

5 rounds

*Partner 1:* 30m Wall Ball Lunge (20/14) + 20 Hang Wall Ball Cleans (20/14)

*Partner 2:* Max Wall Walks

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