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Wod 19/02/24


WOD 16:00

2 Rounds through the following:

A-) AMRAP 3 Minutes

10/8 cal any erg

Max Bar Muscle Ups/ Ring muscle ups/c2b/pull-ups/ring row

rest 1'

B-) AMRAP 3 Minutes

10 shuttle runs 15m (7,5m x2= 1rep)

Max Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)

rest 1'

C-) AMRAP 3 Minutes

100m run

Max Pistols

rest 1'

D-) AMRAP 3 Minutes

RX: 50 DU/ SC: 30 DU / BG: 80 SU

Max Handstand Push Ups/floor pike push ups

rest 1'

*No additional rest between rounds.

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