For max reps 17 min
A-) 2 minutes of max effort Rope Climbs/Body rope climb x 3
*rest 1'
B-) 2 minutes of max effort Double Unders/Single under x 3
*rest 1'
C-) 2 minutes of max effort Bar Muscle Ups/Burpee C2b/Burpee Pull-up/Burpee jumping pull-up
*rest 2'
C-) 1 minute of max effort Bar Muscle Ups/Burpee C2b/Burpee Pull-up/Burpee jumping pull-up
*rest 2'
B-) 1 minute of max effort Double Unders/Single under x 3
*rest 2'
A-) 1 minute of max effort Rope Climbs/Body rope climb x 3
SCORE: total reps