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  • joao

Wod 19/09/23



On a 16:00 clock:

50 bar burpees overs SYNCHRONIZED

50 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft)/one person does medball shots at the same time the other does air squats syncho

800-m run together (2 laps)

Max-reps hang squat cleans in the remaining time (125/185 lb) alterning as you desire


On a 16:00 clock:

40 burpees overs SYNCHRONIZED

40 wall-ball shots (10/14 lb) (9/10 ft)/one person does medball shots at the same time the other does air squats syncho

800-m run together (2 laps)

Max-reps hang squat cleans in the remaining time (95/135 lb) alterning as you desire


On a 16:00 clock:

20 burpees overs SYNCHRONIZED

200-m run together

20 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft)/one person does medball shots at the same time the other does air squats syncho

200-m run together

20 hang squat cleans (35/45 lb) alterning as you desire

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